SERP Volatility
Significant changes in Google SERP positions can be caused by Google algorithm updates. SERP volatility index shows how big are these changes day-by-day.
Everything seems to be okay
Everything is in a normal range. Position changes of some sites are most probably caused by their updates or link profile changes.
Everything seems to be okay
Everything is in a normal range. Position changes of some sites are most probably caused by their updates or link profile changes.
Desktop vs. mobile volatility
The difference between desktop and mobile SERP volatility displayed day-by-day.
Keywords with unchanged positions (%)
The percentage of keywords which positions remained the same compared to the previous day.
Changes in top positions (%)
The percentage of keywords that left one of the four categories compared to the previous day.
SERP volatility influences your website traffic
Changes in SERP move your positions in SERP. They directly influence your organic traffic. In SERPWatcher, you can easily track the positions and their overall progress.
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